Sunday, January 20, 2013

Staging Week 1

Oh my goodness! This week has been a whirlwind.  But I think I can finally say, I am in Up With People! Let's see, what happened this week?  Well, there has been a ton of dancing and singing, so every night we all go home pretty tuckered out.  But they have to move fast.  At the beginning of the week we did something like an audition, but more of just introducing our skill levels.  I thought it was fun and not pressuring at all.  But after that it was go, go, GO! We have had a bunch of various workshops and seminars to get us ready for everything UWP is going to throw at us! I feel like I've already learned so much and it's hard to think back because a week feels like a month!  Already I've made quite a few friends and I feel like I've received more hugs and kisses in the past week than I had in the last 8 months! It's fantastic. On friday night this lovely miss Amy was on Wheel of Fortune! if you want to read more, check out her blog here.  It was so much fun! There were somewhere around 20 or 30 of us crammed into her wonderful host family's living room cheering to WOF! It was a great time just to talk and to get to know people.

 The dancing and singing portion leaves not room for time to be worried or insecure or else you will miss something! You just try your best and keep going! The dance instructors Ken and Miguel are fantastic at taking it slow enough and will answer any question.  I can't believe how much I've learned, and already I feel like my body is getting in better shape!  As for vocals, I've never felt better about them! It's not as strict of styling as in highschool with musicals and choir, but much more like just singing with a group of friends or rocking out in the car.  The music is amazing as well! I will let you all know when it's available on ITunes and you can go get it :) Better yet, come see the show!

 My host family just keeps getting better.  Every night we are laughing around an amazing meal cooked by Jan, and yet I'm still getting to bed at a pretty reasonable time! I also decided to be Betty Crocker this week and I made my Margarita Pie and the awesome pumpkin cookies I made a lot this holiday season.  I think I've figured out what I want to make for my families on the road!

The family eating my pie (they loved it! Jan asked for the recipe!)

This whole experience has been amazing so far, and I think a huge part of it is everyone just wanting the friendships and really making an effort.  I can't wait for what next week has in store!

Random cast pictures happen often.  If someone pulls out a camera, people come running!

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