Saturday, January 12, 2013

Everybody's Here!

Hooray! As of yesterday, all but about 19 cast members arrived! The other study abroad students and I were super excited like kids on Christmas morning! But first, we got to do what UWP calls a Community Impact (CI).  We went to a place called Lighthouse Ministries.  They are not only a Thrift store, but also a place that helps recovering addicts through God.  It's a really powerful ministry.  We all had the task of taking down Christmas decorations.  It was crazy! Something like 6 trees and around 50 strands of lights.  It was also weird.  Almost all of us are from the mid-west, so we are used to snow, or atleast cold with Christmas, so we all kept commentating when taking lights off of tropical plants.  Amilee and I, 2 of the shortest there, tackled many of the trees, even one that was probably around 8ft.  We felt awesome! It really was a fun day and a good way of getting our feet wet in the service part of this journey.  Check out some photos of us having a good time in the midst of lights, blow up things, and trees!

In front of Lighthouse                                                                                  Not even half of the lights!

Amy and Mackenzie having fun putting away costumes
Amilee and I deflating some gifts

 To get lights in boxes, Tara had to sit.  Abbey labeled.  Frank photobombed 
Boxing up some trees                                                    We had to have a little bit of fun 
                                                                                imitating princesses in their home state

Getting back to everyone arriving.  It was kind of overwhelming, but really great! I met SO many people and learned so much about them! A funny thing is, there's about 10 Coloradoans, so everytime one of us introduced ourselves, everyone would just say "You too?!" or "Another one?" So we are taking over! (Most states/countries only have about 1-3 students except Mexico and Belgium.) I can't wait to get to know people even better! But things already felt pretty natural because of facebook :)  Also, Anna and I got a 3rd roommate! Rachel from Bermuda.  I found that funny because my family hosted a Bermudian last Jan.  Here's some pictures of my first family!

Today is our day off, so expect to hear about it soon! Much love!
Anna and Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. Make sure and keep posting names so maybe I'll start figuring out who is who. How many cast total will there be? Miss you!
