Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jackson, WY

This week was a whirlwind of an adventure! I got to stay with a friend from last semester, Katy Flanagan, because it's her home town.  Jackson is one of the most breathtaking places I've ever been.  I had 5 roommates this week: Misa, Emelie (Swed), Lauren B (SD), Erin S (VA) and Helen (SD).  We were staying with Katy's parents, Caryn and Tim, and her sister, Sarah, 17.  The first night we picked out our color for napkin for the week and marking our red solo cups to wash and reuse.  I was excited that they were  being so eco friendly! Our dinner table was quite the lively group with 10 people around it.

Tuesday was a CI day.  We all walked to our show facility because Jackson is really close to everything.  The mornings are cool and fresh and it’s a great way to wake up. I went to the Latino resources center.  It is for the Latinos in the community to gain resources as immigrants and to keep their heritage and culture alive.  We cut pieces of tissue paper into various shapes for the kids to use in a few months to make piñatas and flowers for Dia de los Muertos.  While we didn't see the impact we were making for the community, we had a great time talking and getting to know each other. 

Wednesday evening we went to a BBQ Chuckwagon dinner as a whole cast with our host families.  It was so much fun! The food was great and so was the company and there was some authentic cowboy music by a great quintet. All my roommates and I dressed up real cowgirl through (mostly) Katy's closet.  
L to R: Erin, Katy, Caryn, Tim, Sara, Lauren, Misa
Front: Helen, Emelie, me

Thursday we had an intensive training on a new workshop that we are starting to take into middle schools about anti bullying.  Then in the afternoon there was Culture fair! Culture fair is a way for us to teach the rest of our cast members about our countries.  For the US we split up into West Coast, Mountain Range, Midwest, East Coast and South so that we could more accurately represent all parts of the country.  It was so much fun! For the mountain range we had people go fishing for answers and they got s'mores bars around the "fire" as they learned fun facts about the region.  The evening was a fun host family outing to take old time photos! We had a ton of fun in our little show girl outfits and the guns and booze and such.  Then our host mom Karen made some awesome homemade mac and cheese and then all the girls in the house (mom and sister included) squished downstairs on the couch to watch Rock of Ages the musical which is one of my favorites!  The worst thing about the week has been that we always stay up to late, so the next morning is always a big effort of waking up.

Friday was a show day in a beautiful theatre that had the mountain-cabin feel like our home this week, but totally modern.  The show went great and Katy even performed because it was her hometown.  That night after the show we did a McDonald’s run which was so fun because it’s a little adventure.

Saturday was a fantastic show day, but we had a lot of issues with tech.  But the cast handled it great. 

 Sunday was a great HFD! Caryn (host mom) made us an awesome french toast breakfast which I loved! Then we went to the top of Rendezvouz Peak by a tram and saw over all of Jackson Hole then went to Grand Teaton National park and did paddle boarding and swimming in the String lake.   There was a huge portion of the cast there which was a bunch of fun.  In the evening we went to a small BBQ at another host family’s house, but we didn’t stay long because we had so much to do back home.  We stayed up much later than we should have packing and talking and writing in each others' roommate books.  It was such a fantastic and fun week!
We were hanging out with Beyah, Lukas and Hugh and their host siblings as well on the mountain, so of course we had to do a jumping picture!

On a lake where no boats could go, in a little valley surrounded by mountains.  One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen
Emelie, Misa, Erin, Mallory R (MN)

There were probably 20 uppies hanging at the lake and paddle boarding.

And, sometimes we do stupid things....

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