Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bozeman, MT

Leaving Jackson was not easy, but this whole journey is one adventure after another, so I know it's times to move on.  We made a pit stop in Yellowstone to see Old Faithful.  It really wasn't as impressive as I expected.  I was thinking "mentos in diet Coke" explosion, not "shake a can  for a few minutes".  But the rest of the grounds were beautiful and made for some great fresh air.  My host family is a single woman from Texas who stays in Bozeman a few months out of the year in a condo.  My roommates are Kanami from Japan and Marie from Belgium.  I'm really excited to finally get an asian roommate for the first time! It's a new cultural experience.
Host code: Bison

Tuesday was CI at Habitat for Humanity.  At first I was pretty disappointed that I was on it again because I already have been twice this semester, but it ended up being a really awesome one.  I was with a group of 4 others, Dylan (CO), Miles (CO), Pablo(Mex) and Misa.  We spent the day moving old windows and furnaces around to organize a lean-to that covers them from weather and moving old wood to the trash.  It was great because it was hard work and we could see the work we were doing and could feel it in our muscles by the end of the day. 

Wednesday was SA in a beautiful library.  Misa and I got our work done, but we also got some good talk time.  A group of us went out to lunch and then got rained on so we hid under a tree for a while.  That evening it was round 2 of culture fairs! This time it was Europe and Asia and it was great! I feel like they just play more games growing up then we do.  They also all made different foods which was fun.

Thursday was a show day and for morning signouts I was in dance for the whole 3 hrs.  My whole body was hurting after the first half, so the second half was pure extra strength because I didn’t want to fall behind  because I really do want to stay in these dances and continue to improve.  I am doing the South African dance and the County line dance.

  Since it was labor day weekend we had Saturday and Sunday off!  Saturday we went on a zipline tour which was so much fun! Then we went up to Yellowstone, but we all fell asleep on the hr ride up.  But it was beautiful when we stopped.  Then we had dinner up there because Peggy was meeting some friends, so the three of us had dinner on our own which was really great.  Sunday was a relaxing day.  Marie made us crepes for breakfast, then we went to the lake for a few hrs, then some errands and then came home and hung out.  After dinner, I taught Kanami and Marie the South African dance because they wanted to learn it, so Peg learned it too!  

Kanami on the zipline

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