Sunday, September 8, 2013

Billings, MT

This week was great! We had a short drive to Billings from Bozeman so we spent the day at the Montana Zoo.  We spent the morning talking about global issues and starting to incorporate the "global citizen" part of the program.  Then in the afternoon our sponsor brought in all these blow up things and a graffiti artist and food for us and our host families.  It was a lot of fun for all of us.  I am living in a full house again this week! I have 5 roommates, Nicole (PA), Erin S (VA), Juliana (Bermuda), Ana (Mex), and Hannelore (Belg).  We are living with a single woman, Nola, and her friend Jason came over every night to help cook dinner and his mom helped Nola get us to and from our locations every day! Each night we had a 5 star meal and definitely felt spoiled.
Juliana, Erin, Ana, Nicole, Jason, Nola, Hannelore

Tuesday I was at another Habitat for Humanity site where we moved doors and windows and kitchen appliances.  I also did my first TV interview which was really exciting and you can see it here.

 Wednesday we did a show for the local college which was really cool . The audience was really receptive and we did something like 22 interviews that night. 
Friday was a show day that was a struggle for me because I got hit my a cold really fast.  But the show went really well, but Saturda
y I stayed home sick with my other roommate, Juliana.  
Nola was so sweet and made us home-made chicken noodle soup and she got the hot tub running for us so we could open up our sinuses and then made us more comfort food of grilled cheese.  We hung out on the couch all day watching mindless TV. I've never missed a show day, so I felt really in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Around 9 at night it started flash flooding and raining like crazy! Then the basement started to flood so we had to go outside and bail out the window wells, but a large section of the carpet already flooded so we spent the next 2 hrs sucking up the water with towels and a carpet cleaner.  Thank goodness she had one of those because the water was pooling around our feet there was so much of it!

Sunday was a relaxing day which is all I needed.  Next week we are off to Lame Deer to be on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation which is going to be a whole new experience different than anything I have done in UWP so far! 

1 comment:

  1. I think these last few posts have been the best yet and most informative. I feel more like I know what you're doing! Keep it up. Love every word.
