Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mol, Belgium

Our first week in Belgium went very well! The cast was split between the cities of Oud-Turnhout and Mol.  We were greeted with an enthusiastic community.  My host parents Alida and Roger have been hosting since the 80's and both of their daughters traveled in the 90's.

Host code: Fritte(fries)
My CI this week was at De Witte Mol which was a home for severely mentally disabled people and it was so much fun! The first half of the day I was filling cracks on a concrete deck with sand and then the second half we got to have a "dance party" with a bunch of residents.  We had so much fun playing with instruments and dancing and having a good time.  That night, my host parents got me Belgian fries to try.  The first of many Belgian specialties

Thursday, Friday and Sunday(double show day) we had shows, and they were all great.  Amy and I were surprised by a past student who we both hosted in her semester (Amy in staging, my family in Ft Collins, CO), Clara from Belgium.  It was so great to see her again and for us to show her our show this time!

Saturday was our day off, and my parents took me to Antwerp, the shopping capital of Belgium.  I wasn't that interested in shopping (I don't have the weight to spare in my luggages) but I did get to see a beautiful cathedral and have try a famous Belgian beer and Belgian waffles.

Mika(Japan) and I at City Hall of Antwerp

Trying some Belgian beer

My favorite cathedral yet!

Our cast manager Leslie(AZ, left) treated the students in Mol to some waffles! They are best when they are right off the pan with hints of sugar in them (With Kinsey(DC)

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