Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guten Tag from Frauenfeld, Switzerland!

This week the cast was split between 2 cities in the Swiss-German part of the country.  Frauenfeld and Weinfelden,  and I was hosted in Frauenfeld.  The deal with split-cities is that the cast is separate for the week besides the show days.  So we meet in different places and do our CIs in those cities.  It was also a very short week because everything is closed during Easter weekend.  We had one CI day on tuesday, but I was in class, then shows on Wednesday and Thursday then Friday through Sunday we had off!

Class on Tuesday was fun because we were in a local Gymnastics training center that was also our beneficiary for the week, so we got to play around on the different mats and trampolines.  Another group did some volunteer work there as well, but the SA students sure did have a bit of fun in between studying!

I was hosted with Hayley from Arizona in a couple's home that had yellow doors! (Yellow is my favorite, so you can understand my excitement)  Here's a little video giving you a tour of how we got into the apartment.  Rudy and Marianne were a very nice couple.  Marianne taught us how to play Rummy with tiles like scrabble, not cards.  On the weekend, we visited several cities and even drove through Germany! We also went to Europe's largest waterfall called the Rheinfall.  It was amazing!! The cities were so quaint, and also very different in architecture than the French part as well.  The weather was colder and rainy/snowy all week, so we took a little break to warm up in a popular cafe with some delicious pastry and coffee.

Rudy, Hayley(AZ) and Marianne at the Rheinfall

Cute little door I thought I would share

The Rheinfall

This type of striped paint was all over every city we went to!
Hayley and I at an old Monistary 

oh Switzerland and your sweets!

On Sunday for Easter I went to a Catholic mass with a few other students and it was an awesome experience.  The music was phenomenal  and even though I didn't understand a lick of the sermon, I could still sing along to the hymns because of the german/latin songs we did in high school choir, and I could zone out on the architecture as well.  Then there was a big brunch for the students hosted in Frauenfeld at the Gymnastics center, so there was more jumping and goofing off.  But many host siblings were gymnasts there, so we also got to see them do some pretty neat tricks.  My host mom also gave Hayley and I little easter baskets with European chocolate, and even a chocolate bunny!  This week went by especially fast, and it was also a great time to rest up and really see the country.  Next week off to another French city!

Hayley and I goofing off

Inside mass

the "choir loft" and Organ

The Uppie Easter mass group

The churches here are really something I can't get over!

My lovely European easter bunny!

1 comment:

  1. I saw a bunny like that at Kings! ;-)
    Love you. Fun pictures!!!
