Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Little Liechtenstein!

This week we got to spend in one of the smallest, richest and most beautiful countries in the world; Liechtenstein.  It is located right in between Switzerland and Austria.  The views everywhere we looked were breathtaking and you could even see the castle form many places!

On Monday we spent the day exploring the city of Vaduz, the capital.  It really only took about an hour to walk the WHOLE city, but we still had great fun! We even stood on the border of Liechtenstein and Switzerland!

Everyone loves to explore!

Two places at once with Katie (MN,USA)

It was kind of cloudy, but the mountains were still beautiful!

A small replication of the castle

Wednesday the cast got to learn many new things! First, we got presentations from a few cast members about different topics.  One girl did a presentation about the mind and did a mind game with us that was very insightful about ourselves.  Another was from the girl in our cast, Barby from Mexico, who has Cerebral Palsy.  She informed us what it was and what it was like dealing with it.  The last one was by a girl with dyslexia.  We also got a presentation from a local alumni who is a chocolate pioneer about his natural chocolate and chocolate fizzy drink.   That night was a special treat because the cast got to go to a local restaurant to eat dinner.  My table learned how to make paper cranes while waiting for our food at one point!
The chocolate soda!

Our cranes at dinner

Thursday my CI was at a local recycled clothing center.  They started back after WWII sending clothes over to Poland.  They still do that as well as allowing low income people to come in and buy clothes for less.  Our whole day was just sorting clothes by size and folding them, but we still had a ton of fun finding some questionable pieces and getting to know each other.  

Our sponsor got us some awesome tshirts for the cast!

Friday and Saturday were great shows.  Friday before the show I was signed out to be with Leslie our cast manager and she taught the group a hip hop routine.  I figured since I know that I am absolutely sure that I can’t dance, I would just go all out and I ended up having a blast.  Saturday was great as well.  The staff did some really awesome things for the cast and just made the day a ton of fun, so the show had great energy. 

Yet another Tshirt from the awesome city!

Sunday for Host Family Day we went over to Austria and had lunch in this quaint little restaurant and then went to a castle and looked around and saw some breathtaking views.  After we went to an outdoor cafe and had some great ice cream! 

Next week is a long drive away from the mountains to the country of wooden shoes, The Netherlands!

1 comment:

  1. Great entry and pictures honey. I'm so proud of you for keeping up on your blog. Hope lots are visiting here without becoming "members".
    Love you,
