Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sint Pieter's-Leeuw, Belgium

this week was one of my favorites! Sint Pieter's Leeuw is in the Flemish part of Belgium, but my family spoke French.  They were Guy and Fransois with 3 daughters; Helene(15), Auriane(14) and Lucie(12).  I was roomed with Hayley from AZ again this week as well.  The whole family was so inviting to us and in the first night we were playing ping pong and laughing.

Tuesday we did a workshop about individuality and how we are made up by the people we know and the experiences we have.  That night was music night because Lucie and I sang and she played guitar and then Hayley taught the other the line dance from our show.  Then we taught them a little about the US and where we live.

Wednesday was fun because Amy (CO) and I got to skip the morning and go to Brussels with Clara, the girl who we both mutually hosted when she traveled.  We had breakfast a cute little cafe and then we wandered around just talking and taking in the sights of such a beautiful city.  Then we had a great show that night. 



Friday was a Regional learning at the Linderman's brewery where we got a tour of how the beer was made and then we had a beer tasting which I found some really great beers.  Kriek is a great kind and I suggest you try them!  That night our parents went to a show, so it was just Hayley and I with the girls.  I stayed up and we played card games and danced around and laughed a ton which was great. 


Sunday was a great adventure in Brussels. We wandered and took lots of pictures and did all the touristy things like the atomium and Manneken Pis (little peeing man) and having a beer and fries. We came home and Hayley and I introduced our family to s’mores, but instead of milk we had dark chocolate and put it on a special Belgian cookie, and then when those ran out on mini waffles, so it was a cultural collision!  These girls really became my younger sisters and I will miss them dearly!
 The atomium

a quick drink on HFD

 Our European-styled s'mores!

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