Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tielt, Belgium

Last week in Europe!! For a Regional Learning on Monday we went to a beautiful city called Brugge which is considered the "Venice of the North".  The weather was beautiful, so we spent the day wandering in shops and just relaxing in a nice park.
Anna(Italy) Hunter(CO) Myriam(Belgium) Conney(Germany)

 The whole city had beautiful flowers everywhere, but the tulip garden was the best!

My host family is a single mother and 2 teenagers, a girl (17) and a boy(16).  My roommate is Joana from Portugal.  She’s 10 years older than me and from a different country, so it was cool to gain some perspective from her throughout the week.  The family is very nice and also chill, which was good.  We walked every day this week which was really nice too! 

Joana, Fauvre, Joris, Hilda

Tuesday was CI at a local hospital in the Geriatrics dept.  We did some little exercises and took them on a walk in the wheel chairs.  There was one man who spoke 5 languages, including English and he had also hosted UWP about 12 years ago and is still in contact with his student.  The world is just so small when it comes to UWP. 

Thursday we went to the Special Olympics which was really fun.  The athlete’s all tried really hard and some had some great talent.  Everyone had fun cheering random people on and just relaxing.  We did have to walk 2 miles one way from the train though, so we did get our exercise in! 

 Diana (CA)

Friday and Saturday were great last shows in Europe.  The European audiences have been great to us.  

Sunday for host family day we went to Gent, which was a lot like Brugge, so walking around and looking at buildings.  It is the college town of this area of Belgium, so that was cool seeing what a European college town was like. That night we had a cast overnight (sleep over) because we hadto leave at 4 30 am to get to Germany by 10 to check in for our 12 hr flight to Mexico! 
Graffiti Alley created to keep street art to a minimum.

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