Monday, February 18, 2013

Ready, Set, Show!

I am so sorry I'm late! So here's an overview of our last week in Lakeland, show week! Whew, it was a crazy one! After 4 weeks, on the 9th of February, we put on our first show! (if you want to know more about the actual show, check out my last post) There were still a few bugs that we can work on, but overall it was a really great show! Working up to it though took some serious endurance.  The whole week we were running the show over and over getting ready to perform and spread our voice! There was a ton of make up, color, and adrenaline! There's really nothing like opening night, and it will never be replicated.  It was truly memorable and was a fantastic starting point!

After the show, we had to strike the stage.  Which meant all our lights, risers, speakers, everything that we need to make our amazing show, had to get packed and put on the UWP truck.  For the next 6 weeks I get to be on the costume crew, so we take care of all the specialty costumes  putting them away, setting them out, making any fixes, etc.  It's a ton of fun, and it helps me learn different aspects of the show! 

Our first city on the road is Ft Meyers, which was great, so check out the next post on that great week! 
I'll leave you with some photos of the show :) Much love and thanks for the patience! 

We have a few generation medley: 60's


We also do songs and dances from around the world

1 comment:

  1. That is so AWESOME to see you on stage. I wish you would get closer so we could see the show. I keep hearing awesome things about it. Keep the stories coming! Grant
