Seashell art on Sanibel beach
We left Monday morning , and although it was sad to say goodbye to a city that had been so kind to us for a month (or 5 weeks), it was so exciting to be moving on to someplace new! My bus date was Jessica from Mexico and she is a hoot! Such a talker and very funny and loud (typically Mexican, I have discovered). We talked the whole 2.5 hrs it took to get here. She is now actually living in America and wants to go to Rhode Island School of Design to be a designer/architect. My host family is great. It’s a man and woman, Tony and Christina who have 2 sons, 19 and 23, but they are both at college. He works in the lighting sales business and she is an architect, so naturally, the house is beautiful, and I have my own room which is nice because then I can do my own thing and not worry about being in someone else's way.
My roommate is Simone from Denmark and I really like her! I have wanted to get to know her since the beginning, but just haven’t had the chance, so it was great. The first night we stayed up til 9 45 (which we thought was really late) talking like girls and just getting to know what each other thinks of different people in the cast and way things are run. We talked about guys which was fun, cause we really don’t have time to do that often. I have also since introduced her to PBJ and the Sweedish Fish candy, and in turn she has told me a ton about her culture and let me taste Danish licorice (I don't recommend it!). She is also very inquisitive so everything that you wouldn't talk about at the dinner table like politics, abortion, gay marriage, religion, she asked about all of those to Christina and I one night. It was a great conversation and I really feel like I learned a lot from it. Maybe that's a good idea to become more inquisitive!
My CI was at the Food Bank and it was great. We got a tour by a very enthusiastic volunteer coordinator and really made us understand why we were sorting green beans and packaging rice. We had so much fun the whole day and worked really hard from start to finish. I got to know Josh from the Philippians, and he is very different from what I thought he was going to be like. We also discovered that we have participated in some way in 3 of the same plays! Children of Eden, Once on this Island, and one other that I can't remember. Who would have thought that a high school from a small city in CO USA and an island in the Philippians would have similar musical tastes! The FSC students and I had class on Wednesday . We spent most of the day working. I love Breakfast Club, so that was fun. Especially to see the reactions of others who haven’t seen it before.
Decorating all the cookies!
My awesome group!
Friday, both Simone and I were home sick with really bad colds that we had been fighting all week. Then on Saturday we toured some islands and their beaches with our host mom, and that night we had the Edison Lights Parade. Thomas Edison, inventor of the Lightbulb had a winter home in Ft Meyers and his lab is also there. Anyways, there's this great parade at night full of lights and UWP got to participate! It was kind of cold, but really fun, and everyone had a blast. I got to carry the Canadian flag! Sunday was a double show day and it was crazy! The first show was not nearly as good as it could have been, but the second show we pumped it up. We sold out both shows which was great as well. 16 hrs is a long day, but it’s still so worth it because of the reactions we get from the audience afterwards.
Having fun with Abbey (CO) Ambrea(MN) and Tara(CO) from FSC class!
Monday we left for Orlando! Tune in soon to see those adventures! So mouse ears included! ;)Love much, Mal
PS. if you want to see more cast photos, please check out the uwp blog here and "like" us on facebook here!
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