Thursday, March 14, 2013

Statesboro, GA

That right there was my home for our first week in Georgia in Statesboro.  It was a fantastic week! The bus ride took around 7.5 hrs with a break down at one point, but we still got there and were ready to meet our families! But not before an awesome welcoming from the city by little kids from an after school performing program and an Elvis impersonator.  My host mom was an amazing and sweet woman named Alice.  I was roomed with Anna from Italy and Katy from Wyoming.  Alice's home was huge and beautiful! The home reminded me of camping in a cabin with my family and the landscape even felt like home! The first night we also had dinner with an elderly woman and the two girls she was hosting (Ambrea from Minnesota and Simone from Denmark) and it was just some good traditional southern cooking.  Anna, Katy and I felt right at home and were so excited to be living together.

Anna, Alice & Katy

Tuesday wasn't a CI like most weeks, but a performance at Georgia Southern University for the students.  That was different because they get their tickets for free.  But they were still a pretty good crowd once they warmed up to us.  It was a 90 minute show, so some things were left out so that tehy would still come to our full show that weekend.  Then Wednesday was class then we did a culture fair on the campus for the students to drum up interest.  We did about 10 interviews that day which is great! I interviewed 2 students myself, and I always think it's pretty fun.  That night we had a girls night with our host mom who spoiled us with way to much ice cream and "You've Got Mail".

Thursday was CI and I went to an assisted living home with 3 other students and we had a grand old time! We stuffed pillows with some of the residents that would then be sent to children's homes and hospitals and such to give comfort.  It was so fascinating to hear their stories, especially the ones of where they came from.  I met several men and women who served in WWII.  I also got to spend time in the Alzheimer's unit, which was interesting.  One woman was 104 years old! That just amazes me.  I felt very lucky to spend my day there and bring in some youth to that place.

Friday we performed a 45 minute show for the student body of Statesboro high school and they had great energy, almost a little too much.  That night we also had a show, and my family came out! So they finally got to see what an awesome show I'm doing.  I then got to spend the weekend them at their hotel.  It was great to spend time with them.

Sunday we went to Savannah, GA as a family.  We took a trolley tour all around the city and learned just how old and historic the city was.  We had some great sweets and quite the walk! We also ran into many other uppies, which wasn't surprising.  Next week is our last week in the US then it's off the Switzerland to begin our European tour!

Family in Savannah

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