Saturday, December 1, 2012

Craft Fair and Some Exciting Updates!

First and foremost I must tell everyone that I have reached my first semester goal of $17,000! It's so exciting and I couldn't have done it without everyone's love, support and generosity! Now I am off to funding the 2nd semester! Only about $6,000 to go!

The 3 Craft Fairs went great! We had a ton of stuff that my grandparents had made and my spoons as well! We also had a local photographer donate photos for me to sell at the last one in Loveland.  Now I have been given the opportunity to sell my stuff at Mountain View HS's production of "A Christmas Carol" so if you go, check me out! The show is going to be great as well!  The auction was a success too! But we still have many purses to sell!

A co-worker of my mom's has generously donated a bunch of homemade toffee ($13/lb) and peanut brittle ($7/lb) for me to sell. She has made over 60 lbs for me! And I don't think I've ever met her, so that's amazing.   And as if my mom already hasn't done enough for me, she has decided to sell the roasted almonds that she makes that are equally delicious! ($6/lb)

On Dec 18, I will be having my last fundraiser which is going to be a Bunco Night! I have no idea how to play, but I will learn with everyone else.  It's going to be a fun time, and also one of the last times I will get to see many people and thank you all! So please RSVP ( and come if you are in the area! It will be at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 6:30pm, $10 per player.  There will also be prizes and some left over craft fair/auctions things that you can purchase for last-minute Christmas gifts!

Again, thank you so much!