Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Journey Introduced

If you're reading this, HOORAY! That means you are at least curious as to what this is all about.  Well, my journey is to raise the funds to be a part of the program called Up With People.  "What is Up With People" you ask?  Up with People is a global education organization which aims to bring the world together through service and music. The unique combination of international travel, service learning, leadership development and performing arts offers students an unparalleled experience and a pathway to make a difference in the world, one community at a time.  My Aunt and Uncle introduced me to UWP, and it turned my whole post-high school plan upside-down, but for the better.
     Sounds like an awesome experience, right? Preforming all over the world, international friends, serving not just your country, but your world.  Yeah, I thought so too!  One big catch: it costs $25,000 to participate in for two semesters ($17,000 for one semester) .  Now I've been working several jobs, babysitting and trying to do fundraisers and such, but that's a lot of money!  That is where you come in.  No, I'm not just asking for your money, I'm also asking for support, interest, and donations of other things besides money! Yes, money is welcomed and greatly appreciated, but if I do fundraisers, I need people to be at those and help with them.  Right now I'm making hats for $12, but I need yarn to do that, so if you have yarn, and want to donate that, that'd be great!  If you would like to make a donation, it wouldn't be an empty one.  If you are willing to donate or sponsor me, you can pick a day out of my trip and whatever country I am in, I will send you a personal note updating you and thanking you again for making it possible.  I will be traveling to Southeast USA, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Mexico
      Throughout my blogs I will be posting info about my fundraisers, where I'm at with the money situation, and just things I feel you would like to know.  But don't lose this site! Once January 2013 hits and I am off on my adventure, I will be using this to keep everyone updated on what I'm doing where.
     Thanks so much for reading, and if you need to contact me, find me on Facebook, or email me at
Viva la Gente! (Up With People!)